
Twelve Oaks Lodge closure is a violation of trust

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Re: The closure of Twelve Oaks Lodge. Besides our neighborhood being impacted by the extra traffic, more condensed population, a potential increase in the crime rate and taxes, lowered properly values and the loss of a historic site, there is more at stake by this closure and development plan.

The original purpose for Twelve Oaks Lodge was entrusted to Southern Presbyterian Homes, now the Selling this facility to a developer is a huge violation of the entrusted purpose.

I understand they have issues with finances, but to me, this is no excuse. It just looks like an easy way out and that the “buck” is more important.

Who are the seniors finding sanctuary at Twelve Oaks? Men and women who have worked hard during their early lives and carried the weight of our country on their shoulders through the Great Depression, WWII and more. These seniors are Girl Scout Troop leaders, doctors, folks from all walks of life. This has been a very safe and comforting surrounding for them and their families for the last 80 years.

I think the biggest transgression on the part of the be. group is a point of ethics: They are violating what was entrusted. If the top management is unable to handle the financial end of the operation, maybe there needs to be a shake-up done on that level, rather than just “give up” and sell out.

There are always other, more ethical alternatives. It’s all about the purpose and that purpose is being violated.

Maybe should try not to do something to others they wouldn’t want done to them.

I feel that we need to take full responsibility for our neighbors, whatever age, and call on their decision.

Penny R. Keaton
