
Photo of the Week

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I was reluctant, but something about the huge puddle at Riverside and Coast Highway convinced me it was worth checking out for a rain picture. This puddle was the last evidence of a huge rain storm a half hour before. I stood there hoping a group of cyclists would ride through it. Wishful thinking. I was also hoping a car would splash through it, but everyone was driving safely outside the “flooded” signs. The puddle was dissipating. The sun was coming out, and the light was red. With one last bit of hope, I watched as a girl walked up to the signal and pressed the button. I was expecting her to tip-toe through the water, which would have been fine for a picture. I would have been happy with that. Instead, she backed up, took two steps and jumped over the inconvenient puddle. I wasn’t sure what she did. I had to look back at my LCD screen on the back of my camera to actually see if it was a jump because it happened so fast. Sometimes people can really surprise you. Thank you stranger; you got me a great weather shot and made my day a bit easier.

—Don Leach
