
Pet of the Week

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No, she is not a flightless nocturnal bird from New Zealand or a fuzzy green fruit. Rather, this 3-year-old Kiwi is a petite long-coated Chihuahua mix, who is sweetly tempered and exquisitely stylish in her black fur coat. As with many strays, we do not know the circumstances of her abandonment. However, since arriving, Kiwi has impressed staff and volunteers with her well-balanced personality. She is alert, yet quiet, and shows good manners on her walks. Always affectionate, Kiwi enjoys being held and petted but is not overly needy in this regard. She is healthy and was recently spayed. All that remains is for the right adopter to rescue this black beauty and offer her the forever home she deserves. Come meet our lovable little Kiwi, whose adoption fees are discounted 25% all week when you mention this announcement. For more information, call (714) 536-8480 or visit
