
April may become Coyote Awareness Month in Costa Mesa

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Expanding on previous efforts to keep residents informed, Costa Mesa may designate April as Coyote Awareness Month.

If the City Council gives the go-ahead on Tuesday, the city will roll out a set of educational resources that augment a coyote management plan implemented in 2017 after residents raised safety concerns for themselves and their pets.

That plan emphasized the importance of removing coyote attractants, such as food and water, and cutting back overgrown plants that provide the animals cover.


The next phase — which does not involve additional costs — asks the Costa Mesa Police Department to create social media campaigns and implement a Google voice hotline and email address so the community can learn about and more easily report coyote activity.

Animal Control would host two community meetings every April to educate residents on “hazing” — a technique that involves scaring away the animals by yelling or making loud noises — as well as coyote behaviors and precautions.

The council may direct staff to study the pros and cons of creating a volunteer-based training program.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is also scheduled to conduct training sessions following the city’s inaugural meetings.

Coyotes are a common sight in town, especially between the February-to-April mating season.

Tuesday’s council meeting starts at 6 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St.
