
Mailbag: State Senate candidate Dave Min favors sensible gun laws

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As advocates for gun violence prevention and sensible gun laws, we urge you to vote for Dave Min, a Democratic Party candidate for state Senate District 37.

Our support for Min starts with sensible gun laws but includes his positions on climate change, education and other issues relevant to Orange County. Min is a much stronger advocate for sensible gun laws based on answers to questions delivered at recent debates between Democratic candidates.

Min stated he intends to pass legislation to stop the use of the Orange County fairgrounds for gun shows. The idea is based on successful actions that stopped the use of the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego and the Cow Palace in San Francisco for gun shows. Min supports extending the ban on gun shows to all state-owned property.


While citizens have a right to own guns, the state is not required to host these shows. Let the gun shows find commercial properties to host future gun shows.

Amy and Jamie Ramaker
Laguna Woods

Stop the desalination pant

In the Nov. 9 mail I received an expensive, over-sized mailer touting the proposed Poseidon desalination plant. Contrary to their assertions, Huntington Beach residents and ratepayers will be in for plenty of costs and negative impacts.

Poseidon has reportedly spent millions of dollars over the last decade crowing about a project it knows is flawed with a history of broken promises and over-hyped performance. The troubles of its Carlsbad desalination plant speak to what we would face in Orange County.

It’s time to put an end to this and urge state authorities, especially the California Coastal Commission, to keep these jokers from selling us down the river.

Tim Geddes
Huntington Beach

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