
Community Commentary: Action needed on making park public

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When, oh when, will Marina Park become a park for everyone?

When will people see the first shovel to begin the return to the people of their public park?

When we first moved to Newport Beach about 20 years ago, there were big, forbidding chains and a padlock to the entrance of the “park.”

The lock stayed for years. There is still a sign that says, “Private Property.”

After protests to the city, the padlock was left hanging, but unlocked, still appearing forbidding. Finally, the chain itself was removed. Beachgoers still ask us, “Is that a private beach?”


We always respond, “No, it is a public beach.”

Last week, a group of about 100 foster children arrived, but they did not go in front of the trailers. It is always empty and unused. What a shame and waste!

Too many times we have been assured this public beach would be returned to the people.

Instead of building a Taj Mahalian monument for officials, let’s give the local taxpayers and voters back their park for a more healthful environment and a place for to refresh their spirit — for the benefit of all, not just a favored few.

One trailer resident bragged to me that she had several homes: one in Big Bear, one in Florida and one here at Marina Park.

I live next to the park and believe most are unoccupied in the winter. They are in their other homes. This is low-cost housing for the affluent. We are tired of promises. We want action.


Newport Beach resident.
