
Mailbag: Reusing everyday items makes sense

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If you dispose of your clothes after wearing them once and you throw out your plate at the end of each meal, then our city’s new rules regarding shopping bags might seem unnecessarily burdensome. However, if you use your apparel and plates many times, then your shopping bags should be reusable too.

While cleaning the items we use on a regular basis can certainly be inconvenient, it is the proper and sensible thing to do.

Chris Borg

Huntington Beach


Polystyrene ban would make sense


Councilman Matt Harper will not support a ban on polystyrene and asks what prohibition will be next.

I am sure someone asked that same question when authorities banned DDT, mercury in our water, bisphenol-A in baby bottles, and on and on. Responsible people take action to protect the world instead of seeing only the benefit or inconvenience to a tiny, tiny portion.

I suggest Harper take a walk along our beach between Brookhurst Street and the Santa Ana River. I have spent a lot of time picking up little pieces of polystyrene from between the rocks and on the beach. To a fish, I am sure, it looks just like food.

Sandra Fazio

Huntington Beach


Let’s move the fight to littering

In the letter “Polystyrene ban would be responsible” (Huntington Beach Independent, Nov. 7), the writer said, “I would like to challenge the youth of Orange County to take on the fight against polystyrene.”

I agree with the challenge, but instead of directing action at a polystyrene ban, I would ask the youths of Orange County to take on the fight against littering. The youths should petition town councils to have the police strictly enforce litter laws. Furthermore, these warriors should shame their fellow students and elders when they litter.

Littering should become unacceptable, just like smoking in public places.

Anticipating police department claims of funding and manpower shortages, I would ask for a reassignment of drug and vice squads to the more socially responsible and productive function of enforcing litter laws.

Ernst F. Ghermann

Huntington Beach


Shipley parking lot unnecessary

I attended the Nov. 13 presentation at the Huntington Beach Community Services Commission meeting on a proposed permanent public parking lot for the Shipley Nature Center.

But I must take exception with some points that were made.

It was stated that the lot would also provide parking for two playgrounds, Kathy Mays and Disc Course, but there already is sufficient parking for these venues closer than the proposed lot.

Open space where officials propose building the lot was characterized as a “degraded raptor” hunting area. Has anyone ever notice that hawks regularly can be found perched on the lights on Goldenwest Street looking for a meal in the open space proposed for parking?

It was suggested that the temporary lot could be converted to raptor habitat. Really? It’s a stone’s throw from Goldenwest and the proposed parking lot.

It seems there is an issue with people making the four-minute walk from Central Park Drive to the Shipley Center.

Shipley is easily accessible from the Sports Complex. Parking there is underutilized.

There is no need for this parking lot. I have yet to see the temporary lot ever full, and I am in the park seven days a week. This 100-space lot along with the senior center and its 250-space lot will develop way too many acres of park open space.

I hope readers will join me at the next meeting in January to oppose this development of our beloved park.

Gary Droeger

Huntington Beach


Is 10 cent charge an illegal tax?

Please tell me that the 10 cent per-bag charge imposed by Huntington Beach for grocery sacks isn’t yet another illegal tax.

I would be hugely dismayed to think that city officials didn’t know better.

Pamela Beard

Huntington Beach

