
On the Town: Oakmont League grants financial awards

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Scholarship-giving season is in full swing. The Oakmont League was no exception.

On May 27, the league put on a classy, three-ring circus in the Oakmont Country Club’s Garden Room. The awarding of eight scholarships was book-ended by an officers’ installation and generous checks issued to the league’s three charities in front of some 55 members and guests enjoying a lunch of chicken cordon bleu.

First up — the installation of 2015-16 league officers. Installing members were Ellen Farewell and Allison Weir. New officers include three-time President Nina Ratliff, First Veep Barbara McCullough and Recording Secretary Donna Sauer.

A brief history of the league was shared by Farewell and Weir. The Oakmont League was formed more than 75 years ago as the Oakmont Junior Matrons. “Bundles for Britain” was one of the first charitable endeavors, supplying needed items to mothers and babies in war-torn England.

Next at the recent meeting, bundles of cash were awarded to scholarship-worthy students. Three Glendale Community College students received $1,000 each. They were Anna Aleksanyan, Melvin Dilanchian and Heghine Makaryan. High school students receiving $750 each were Meagan Yuen (Hoover), Elizabeth Szulc (Crescenta Valley), Maya Ramamurthy (Clark Magnet), Gabrielle Yanai (Glendale) and Erika Weiler (La Cañada).

But that wasn’t the end of league members’ generosity. They support three charities with funds raised through an every-other-year luncheon and fashion show gala.

Glendale Healthy Kids took home $1,500. Executive Director Sharon Roth couldn’t be present to accept the check, but it will be held in good keeping. Hillside School and Learning Center’s Executive Director Bob Frank accepted a $4,000 check. Lastly, the Instructional Assistance Center at Glendale Community College was $4,486 richer. Learning disabilities specialist Stela Fejtek accepted the award.

The next league event will be a “Red, White & Blue Texas BBQ” on June 27.


Members of the Glendale Latino Assn. held their own scholarship awards program. This one was a buffet breakfast at the ever-popular Oakmont Country Club. The May 21 ceremony also marked the association’s 25th anniversary.

Co-Presidents Nancy Guillen and Miryam Finkelberg introduced the scholarship winners made up of worthy students at Glendale schools.

Glendale Community College winners were Anika Rampino, Alfonso Zamarripa and Addison Wightman Jr.

The majority of winners came from Glendale high schools. First was Sabrina Galanis from Clark Magnet. She was followed by Glendale High School students Katherine Jimenez, Andrea Poma, Blanca Garcia-Silva, Lucia Barriga and Andrea Guerra Canela.

Not to be left out were Tiffany Duarte, McKenna Middleton, Samantha Berthold and Kathryn Sandoval. They all go to Crescenta Valley High School.

Glendale Latino Assn. scholarship funds are raised by monthly mixers and contributions. In total, $115,000 has been given in scholarships.


Construction on the Glendale Community College campus caused Patrons Club members to move their annual scholarship luncheon to Glendale’s First Congregational Church.

On May 21, close to 70 members, guests and scholarship winners gathered to celebrate the club’s 68th year of giving. They were welcomed by college President Supt./President David Viar, Dean of Student Affairs Paul Schlossman and Patrons President Karen Wharton.

A fast-paced program awarded scholarships to 32 GCC students. Patrons Club Past Presidents Awardee Anush Kadoyan stood out. She went through a rigorous on-campus interview to win her scholarship. She didn’t know the amount of her scholarship until it was awarded to her at the luncheon. Opening her envelope to find her check was as suspenseful as the Oscars. It turned out to be worth $400. Kadoyan plans to transfer to UC San Diego in the fall and major in computer science. She said she looks forward to a career in software engineering. Her $400 will help pay for tuition and textbooks.

Congratulations must also be given to Andrew Feldman, executive chef of the college’s culinary arts department, and his students, who prepared and served Asian chicken salad on greens and pineapple upside-down cake for dessert. But their big task was transporting food and equipment from campus to church.


RUTH SOWBY RANDS may be reached at
