
Glendale opens car registration for popular Cruise Night

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Glendale officials today opened the registration period for car enthusiasts who want their vehicles -- made in 1979 or earlier -- to have a spot on Brand Boulevard for Cruise Night.

The event on July 21 is expected to showcase roughly 400 vehicles, but the slots fill quickly, according to a announcement from the city today.

Those who want to enter their vehicles may submit their registration online via or by calling (818) 548-4860 with questions.

About 35,000 people are expected to attend Cruise Night 2012, which had to be scaled back this year due to tight budget constraints brought on by the loss of local redevelopment revenues.

City officials opted to maintain the number of showcased vehicles, but cut back on entertainment and other costs. The $103,000-budget of past was cut to $42,840.

This year, the line-up includes Surfin’ Safari and “Creedence Relived,” a Creedence Clearwater Revival band, in addition to a DJ and children’s activities. The event is free.

-- Jason Wells, Times Community News

Twitter: @JasonBretWells
