
Community: Athletic club honors dedicated member

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Martha Moren received the Glendale News-Press Perpetual Trophy for her dedication to the Glendale Women’s Athletic Club during the installation tea on June 5 at the group’s clubhouse.

Moren was also honored as the member to have hiked the most miles.

She joined the club in 2004 as a member of the Hikers department. In 2005 she became co-chairwoman of the Hikers and volunteered to recycle bottles and cans to help raise money for the club, and continues that task today.

Members said she is very artistic and decorates the clubhouse for holidays and special occasions. She also bakes for the club’s general meetings and made chocolate-chip fudge cupcakes for the installation tea.

In 2006-07 Moren served as third vice president and took on the ways and means parking lot sales. She was second vice president for 2008-09 and was president from 2009-11.

During the tea, scholarship recipient Alyssa Selve was introduced to the members.

Officers were installed by member Carol Hart. They are President Margaret Hammond, First Vice President Evy Erdos, Second Vice President Martha Moren, Third Vice President Olga Rothenbecker, Treasurer Charlie Bennison and Secretary Lucy Poropat.

Wine tasting benefits Red Cross

It will definitely be a laughing matter when the American Red Cross members and guests gather for the sixth annual Fine Wine, Chocolate and Cheese Tasting from 5:30 to 8 p.m. June 21 at Forest Lawn Museum, 1712 S. Glendale Ave., Glendale.

This year’s special guest emcee is Fritz Coleman, who is KNBC Channel 4’s weatherman and a seasoned stand-up comedian.

The Glendale-Crescenta Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross offers this opportunity to compare carefully selected wines from California and around the world.

In addition, imported cheeses, an array of Mignon fine chocolates and light appetizers by Chin Chin Catering will be on the menu.

“This is a wonderful venue because it overlooks Glendale and shares the courtyard with the Forest Lawn Museum, which is a real hidden gem in our city,” said chapter Executive Director Ron Farina.

There will be musical entertainment and a chance to see the art of Ian Hornak, featuring 32 paintings by one of the founding members of the Photorealist and Hyperrealist art movements.

There will be a raffle and silent auction of many gift items contributed by local businesses and community members.

All proceeds benefit the American Red Cross to help Glendale and the Crescenta Valley in times of emergencies.

Tickets are $60 per person or $100 for two. To purchase, call (818) 243-3121 or visit www.glendale There is a $2-per-ticket surcharge for online purchases.

Library volunteer receives county honor

City Hall regular Leon Mayer received an award honoring Los Angeles County seniors during a recent City Council meeting.

Mayer has attended about 500 council meetings over the past 12 years to announce library events, said Mayor Frank Quintero as he described Mayer’s dedication to community groups. Mayer’s hard work prompted Quintero to nominate him for the county’s annual “Older Americans Recognition Day” award.

“I enjoyed every minute of what I’ve done over these years,” Mayer said. “I really appreciate this and I’ll cherish it.”

Artists show work at Doctors’ House

The Foothill Artists League has been invited by the Glendale Historical Society of Glendale to exhibit their artwork from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 17, on the lawn of the Doctors’ House in Brand Park, 1601 W. Mountain St., Glendale.

“Art in the Park” will feature 80 oil paintings by nine artists. The members have been painting, studying and showing their work together for years. The artists will discuss their work.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
