
Film series benefits needy

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Glendale Arts kicks off a month-long film series tonight and along with providing a family-friendly event, it also will help the needy.

Through a partnership with Tegan Summer Productions, Glendale Arts will show four American classics at the Alex Theatre. The first film is “The Sound of Music.” It screens at 7 p.m. tonight.

Subsequent titles are “E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial — 25th Anniversary Screening,” at 7 p.m. Aug. 15; “The Princess Bride,” at 7 p.m. Aug. 22; and “The Neverending Story,” at 7 p.m. Aug. 29.

Patrons who bring canned goods to any of the screenings will receive a coupon good for $5 off tickets to any of the Glendale Pops Orchestra concerts. The canned goods will go to the Glendale Salvation Army Food Bank.

Tickets for each screening are $12 for adults and $8.50 for children and seniors, plus a $2.50 per-ticket facility/restoration fee. Tickets can be purchased at, or in person at the Americana at Brand concierge desk in the Grand Lobby.

Purchase tickets to the entire series and get one screening free. Tickets to the full series are available at, or in person at the Americana at Brand concierge desk in the Grand Lobby.

USC Trojan Guild prepares for new year

USC Trojan Guild of Los Angeles officers are preparing for a new year under the theme, “TGLA Looking to the Future While Reflecting on the Past.” Leading the group is President Rosalee Perchersky.

Serving with her are President-elect Christine Offiesh; Patricia Dowling and Patti Poon, sharing first vice-president – programs; Jean Ann Holbrook, second vice-president, sales products; Jean Getchell and Sandi Hampar, sharing third vice-president, scholarships; Marilyn Wallace and Margie Moore, sharing fourth vice-president, membership; Mary Indenbaum, recording secretary; Gloria Phillips, of Glendale, corresponding secretary; Jolene Irwin, treasurer; and Janet Eddy, of Glendale, parliamentarian. Others serving as officers are Marilyn O’Driscoll of Glendale, product sales treasurer; Carol Thueson of Glendale, Reflections; and Leslie Lilly, of Burbank, product account treasurer.

Trojan Guild has been an active women’s philanthropic support group at USC since 1960. Members have raised funds for many scholarships while gaining friendships and intellectual enrichment through speakers from many USC departments. Any woman who has attended USC and is 30 years old or older, with a continuing interest in the university, is invited to apply for membership. For information, contact Marilyn Wallace, membership chairwoman, at

Church celebrates 100 years

The First Church of Christ, Scientist will celebrate 100 years in Glendale with a public lecture and potluck on Aug. 26 at the church, 1320 N. Brand Blvd.

Following the 1:30 p.m. potluck Mark Swinney, a Christian Science lecturer, will give a talk on “The Healing Effect on Your Prayers” at 2 p.m. In the church auditorium.

Eighteen followers of Christian Science gathered on March 31, 1912 to incorporate the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Glendale. The church moved to several locations around town, including the church at 500 S. Central Ave., built by members in 1926, which currently houses an Armenian Apostolic church. The church on Brand opened its doors in 1990. For more information, call (818) 242-1493.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
