
Guys, need a date? Zillow says odds are favorable in Glendale

(Cheryl Guerrero/Staff photographer)
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OK guys. It’s nearly Valentine’s Day and you don’t have a date.

You could try your hand at work, perhaps go out with the singles, be brave with that person you’ve been eyeing at the gym, or just stay home and pretend it isn’t happening while catching up on “Game of Thrones.”

That or start planning a move to Glendale to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen next year.

According to a list released this week by the real estate website Zillow, Glendale ranks No. 2 in the U.S. for young men looking to find a girlfriend.

To answer the collective “huh?” that will no doubt follow, keep in mind that Zillow ranked the 150 largest U.S. cities based on factors such as rent versus median income, walkability and the ratio of single men to single women below the age of 35.

Glendale came in just behind Worcester, Mass. and ahead of Irving, Texas.

Zillow also compiled the same list for women seeking single men. In that category, the top three cities in descending order were Milwaukee, Wis., Oxnard, and Miami, Fla.

--Jason Wells, Times Community News

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