
Hoop Heroes game benefits Salvation Army’s Zone Academy

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The Hoop Heroes Basketball Championship Game has played a major part in helping youngsters in the Salvation Army’s Zone Academy improve their literacy.

This annual event raises funds for the academy, which provides homework tutoring for youths ages 8 to 13. Included in the program is a Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment component that helps youngsters work on improving their literacy.

The program was so successful during the first quarter of 2011 that 70% of the youths in the program went up a grade level in their literacy, said Hoop Heroes Chairman Rick Dinger.

The third annual basketball game between the Glendale firefighters and police begins at 3 p.m. on April 7 at the Glendale High School gym. Tickets are $5 and each spectator is asked to bring a can of food to be donated to the Salvation Army Food Pantry.

Each fan in attendance will receive a free raffle ticket. Some of the prizes will include the opportunity to shoot a half-court shot for $500 and free airfare to Las Vegas, Phoenix or Oakland courtesy of Montrose Travel.

The event begins with a pre-game competition between the Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club and the Glendale Noon Kiwanis. This year, the game is being shortened to 10-minute halves because of the advanced age of many of the Kiwanis team members, quipped Dinger, who is president of Sunrise Rotary.

Student wins speaker contest

J. Lupinski, a senior at Crescenta Valley High School, won the Student Speakers Contest at the Northwest Glendale Lions Club in February and will next compete in the Metro Zone C contest this month.

This is the 77th annual event sponsored by the Lions Clubs of California. The topic is “How Do We Create and Keep Jobs in America?”

Lupinski received a check for $75. Three other speakers each received checks for $25. They were Amy Woo, of Crescenta Valley High School, and Natalin Daldalian and Cian Cardenas, of Glendale High School.

CROP Walk raises $30,000 plus

The Glendale Foothill Communities CROP Walk was a real success, having raised $30,000 and still counting, says walk representative Christine Courtois.

A portion of the funds will go to the four local food pantries — Catholic Charities Loaves and Fishes, the ShareOurSelves Thrift Store & Food Pantry, the Salvation Army’s Food Pantry and Meals on Wheels program, and the Bailey Human Care Center food pantry in Tujunga, as well as the Glendale Community College food voucher program.

Gown donations benefit teen girls

Donations of women’s formal gowns can be dropped off at the Glendale Robbins Brothers store from now until the end of the month in the company’s “Sparkle & Share,” benefiting teen girls from Olive Crest.

Those helping the teens dress in style for the prom will receive a $50 gift certificate toward any sparkly purchase of $395 or more.

Olive Crest has transformed the lives of more than 60,000 abused, neglected and at-risk children and their families since it opened in 1973. The nonprofit organization works to meet the individual needs of kids in crisis by providing safe homes, counseling and education for youth and parents.

Card party draws $4,000

Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild raised $4,000 during a card party on March 6 at Lakeside Golf Club. The 200 people attending enjoyed lunch and then played their favorite card games or bingo with their friends, said Terry Campbell, publicity chairwoman. There were opportunity prizes won by five happy winners.

The funds will go toward the guild’s pledge of $500,000 to the Hycy and Howard Hill Neuroscience Institute at the medical center for the treatment of strokes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

Another card party will be held during the summer. The guild is also planning its spring fashion show on April 6.

Stepping Stone Players seek artwork

The Stepping Stone Players are looking for creative folks to submit artwork that might be used to promote the run of “Oliver” in August at Hoover High School. The contest deadline is March 31. The winner will receive four tickets to the show.

Entry forms are on the website Illustrate what “Oliver” means to you and include the title in the drawing. Also request an audition time while visiting the website.

One more Character and Ethics winner

An “oops” on the Character and Ethics story two weeks ago, as I overlooked the biography on Julie Lister of Glendale.

Lister has been a significant volunteer for Glendale Healthy Kids for more than six years. A nurse, Lister has been going to public schools and teaching children the proper way to brush, how to take care of their teeth, and good healthcare education.

She has been the chairwoman of the community health fair, which brings together more than 100 volunteers, doctors and healthcare professionals. She also organizes all the volunteers from students to adults for the Taste of Downtown Glendale. And, by the way, the famous Taste event is coming up on May 1. I hope to see you there.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
