
Robert Richard McDonald November 19, 1942 - June 26, 2013

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Robert McDonald passed away on Wednesday June 26, 2013 after a brave six-year battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Robert was raised and educated in Glendale, CA, eventually graduating from Cal State Los Angeles before embarking on a career in teaching. Robert, also known as Bob or Mac, was a devout father, always putting his family first, while sports his personal passion throughout life. He was a all-star baseball and basketball player with a sweet jump shot in basketball and talented enough in baseball to earn the interest of professional scouts. Turning to education as his profession he bypassed the opportunity to play professional baseball for a secure and rewarding teaching career. Never giving up his love of sports Robert played in basketball and baseball leagues for over forty-years to satisfy a competitive nature second to none. A natural athlete with an amazing hand-to-eye co-ordination allowed for Robert to be a force and sought after by the teams he played for.When it came to sports trivia you always wanted Robert on your team. A great day for Robert was watching any sport with his son Greg and his daughters Kim, Wendy, Darcy, Julie and Kara. Besides his athletic ability, and teaching accomplishments, Robert was a Master in Bridge, antique collector, purveyor of barbeque ribs, wine and food connoisseur, gardener and loved horse racing. Thanks to his wife Esther he became a world traveler. Old school to the final day, and always the Professor, he would read the morning newspaper from cover to cover. Robert’s love for ‘Slippers’ his miniature dachshund, second only to his best friend and wife Esther.

Terry Turrell on behalf of the family
