
On the Town: Cabrini Literary Guild president whips up a supper for 70

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The Cabrini Literary Guild couldn’t have prayed for a better afternoon to hold their annual membership tea with the theme of “lavender and lace.” Trailing Lantana plants provided the lavender color. Under the shade of a spreading tree, the group held a meeting welcoming a record 32 guests seen as “younger, fresh blood,” according to Guild President Marie Urrutia. On Sept. 12 at the Glendale home of Urrutia’s daughter, Susan Theiring, about 70 members and guests gathered for sociability and supper.

The supper was kept light — tea sandwiches, fruit, sweets, coffee and tea. Urrutia prepared it all. After taking the culinary arts program at Glendale Community College, Urrutia began catering for friends and members of charitable organizations. These days she’s cut down on food preparation, but always takes time for Cabrini.

Also taking time for Cabrini are Miryam Finkelberg and Laurie Leask. These dynamos are already preparing for the guild’s largest fundraiser of the year on March 1. Proceeds will go to Guild philanthropies.

Glendale residents attending the tea included Guild Parliamentarian Maureen Walsh, Guild Membership Chairman Helen Misik, brand-new member Sally Lim and BFFs from high school Lola Jones and Priscilla Bolger. Also putting in welcome appearances were Burbank resident Brenda Lantieri, Sally Bettar from Eagle Rock and La Cañada resident Ann Herrmann.

Opening the meeting with a prayer was Sister Regina Palamara from Burbank’s St. Finbar Church. She substituted for guild adviser Father Paul Hruby. Urrutia introduced the guild’s departments. Besides presiding over the Guild, Urrutia doubles as curator of the Busy Fingers Department Members crochet, knit, and tat for charity. The department’s latest project is making lap blankets for the cancer services department at USC. Two hundred lap blankets were donated last year through Incarnation Church.

The guild’s other departments are Book Reading, Bridge, Mannequin and Philosophy, for which members invite guest speakers to address religious subjects.

The guild also sponsors a writing contest open to students at Catholic high schools in the Los Angeles Archdiocese that includes Glendale, Burbank and foothill areas.

Organized in 1943, the guild is affiliated with the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.


Business Life Magazine publisher and member of the Glendale Unified School Board Greg Krikorian unveiled the 27 women who are the magazine’s 24th Annual Women Achievers. On Sept. 12 at a cover photo shoot, 25 of the women present were introduced by Krikorian. His helpers were mother Elsie Krikorian, magazine president/CEO, and son Shant Krikorian, magazine marketing manager.

The Women Achiever Honorees are Ardis Bazyn, Lori Brogin, Irma Clark, Cindy Clearly, Reyna Del Haro, Tami DeVine, Emily Gabel-Luddy, Janet Hamilton, Phyllis Howard, Seta Javor, Hasmik Keyribarian, Zita Lefebvre, Shirley Manning, Ramella Markarian, Barbara Martinoff, Helen McDonagh, Stella R. Murga, Kelsey Peterson-More, Lisa Pitney, Kristen Pugh, Tracy Rafter, Ann Ransford, Diva O. Salano, Emma Salmassian, yours truly, Gloria Tango and Carmen B. Vargas.

The “Women Achievers Business & Healthcare Conference,” co-chaired by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich and State Sen. Carol Liu, will take place at the Glendale Hilton Hotel on Sept. 30. The Women Achievers will be honored at a luncheon following morning business workshops. All are welcome.


RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
