
Community: Lions roar about Peace Poster winner

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The Northwest Glendale Lions Club kept spirits bright at the annual Christmas luncheon. Members gathered at the Foothill Service Club for the Blind rather than the usual meeting place — Shaker’s restaurant.

Highlights included the presentation of a $50 check to “Peace Poster” contest winner David Ramazyan. The fifth-grader at Columbus Elementary School titled his poster “Mother Nature.” Members and guests were also entertained by a 70-student choir from Columbus Elementary School.

The Northwest Lions also recently announced the results from their participation in the Glendale Health Festival in the fall.

This was the first time the Armenian American Medical Society and Glendale Healthy Kids combined health fairs into one big Health Festival held at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, said Vincent De Santis, co-chairman of the Lions Sight Conservation.

“I was told the 400-space, multilevel parking structure turned over three times in five hours,” he said. “Wow, what a crowd.”

There were 39 volunteers giving time to the Lions project that screened 620 folks during those five hours, De Santis said. A total of 460 people had consultations with the two teams of doctors and 175 received gift certificates from Vision Service Plan for comprehensive eye exams and glasses.

Many had higher ocular pressures and were referred for a more thorough eye exam. In addition, 30 KidSight digital eye images were performed on children.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
