
On the Town: Valentine’s event takes to the high seas

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Happy Valentine’s Day to the Founders Guild at Adventist Health Glendale.

On Friday, guild members extended their own Valentine wishes to guests at a “Be Our Valentine” luncheon starring the “The Love Boat’s” Bernie Kopell and author and Glendale’s own Jeraldine Saunders.

The Oakmont Country Club was decked out in a nautical theme as supporters took full advantage of an early silent auction and boutique to spend their bounty.

A boutique favorite was wearable art jewelry designed by Yeva Adalyan. Guild board member Liz Mirzaian contributed her handmade jewelry to the silent auction that began racking up bids.

Eventually, the goodies were temporarily abandoned as Alice Petrossian, guild board president, welcomed close to 300 supporters for lunch.

While guests enjoyed their chicken and asparagus, Petrossian described the guild and its volunteers who help support the Play to Learn Center for special needs children.

It was the appearances of Saunders and Kopell that had guests fully onboard. Saunders is best known as the creator of ABC-TV’s “The Love Boat.”

The series is based on the autobiography she wrote 40 years ago describing her years as the first full-time female cruise director on the high seas.

But today, this glamorous 94-year-old was wheelchair bound as she recovers from a broken femur sustained at her home just before she was set to sail on a Mexican cruise with nephew Jeffery Kobes, present at the luncheon.

“Now I’m sailing at Glendale Adventist,” said the feisty Saunders, “They let me out for the luncheon.”

Saunders has been a guild member for many years. She contributed a “Cruise Diary” for each guest to take home.

A bit upstaged by Saunders, but well holding his own, Kopell described his role as Dr. Adam Bricker on “The Love Boat.”

From 1977 to 1986, Kopell appeared in 250 episodes. Informally known as “The Love Doctor,” Kopell is married and the father of two sons.

Helping to boost luncheon proceeds, guild board member Sandy Moreno and Play to Learn Center’s Traci Jones-Martinez sent baskets through the crowd signing up those pledging to financially support the center.

Kathy Lefkovits, a board member mover and shaker, was especially persuasive. In her Foundation Message, hospital Foundation President Irene Bourdon also played up the Play to Learn Center.

Besides contributing to the play center, luncheon proceeds of $500,000 will help the hospital purchase a linear accelerator for radiation treatments for cancer patients.

Altrusa Club hosts event

Glendale’s Altrusa Club lived up to its motto at its recent annual Tri Club dinner at La Divina Cucina in Montrose. With Glendale club members as hosts, the Arcadia club and Los Angeles club joined them in supporting “Patriotism, Efficiency and Service.”

Since 1955, Altrusa Glendale members have upheld those words in serving Glendale and neighboring communities.

Donnalee Monninger, two-term Altrusa Glendale president and Glendale resident, welcomed some 25 members and guests. Dining on Italian food while chatting and merry-making was the order of the day.

Newly initiated Altrusa Glendale member Tim Moore entertained and informed as speaker extraordinaire. Moore is a returning member who has advised some of his fellow members on their financial investments.

Moore has over 30 years experience in the financial service industry. He recently opened his own registered investment advisory so he could focus on teaching financial literacy.

This evening, Tri Club members and guests had the benefit of Moore’s financial knowledge. He titled his talk “Anything You Wanted to Know About Money But Were Afraid to Ask.”

One brave member wasn’t afraid. Altrusa Glendale past president Pat Zayas asked, “How much should be saved for retirement?” Moore’s answer — $950 per month.

While contemplating Moore’s answers, all dipped into La Divina Cucina’s signature dessert, spumoni. Full tummies and well-taken financial advice ended the evening.

RUTH SOWBY RANDS may be reached at
