
On the Town: L’Aureole pretty much the same a half-century later

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After 51 years, little has changed for L’Aureole, a women’s philanthropic and social organization.

Members and guests gathered for the perennial Rose Luncheon and Fashion Show on a sunny but breezy Saturday in mid-April at the Oakmont Country Club.

Upon welcoming everyone, Kathy Kashuba, the organization’s president, said that supporter Glady Kabateck had presented her with a News-Press article about the fashion show that appeared in April 1974 by then society writer Cleo Hanssen.

Hanssen noted that the champagne and gourmet brunch drew more than 100 guests and was held in the home of Marge Feldman. The event still draws more than 100 women, about 175 this year, and is now held at the local country club, but the mission is still the same — to raise funds for Salvation Army youth programs.

Today, however, the event benefits specifically the army’s Zone after-school program, which strives to provide a stimulating environment for safe social interaction, personal development and recreation for at-risk youth in Glendale.

It seems to be doing just that as Jasmine Moody, coordinator of the Zone program, introduced six youngsters who told those attending why they like the program and also modeled children’s clothing during the fashion show.

The Zone has 71 applicants signed up for the academy, and there are close to 40 youngsters coming to the program daily, Moody said. Elective classes offered are in robotics, dancing, singing, volleyball, soccer and the kids’ favorite — cooking.

Ariana Duran and Gor Sarkisyan said they like the robotics class best.

“I like plugging in wires to make stuff move,” Gor said.

Other Zone participants attending were Sergio Avalos, Carlos Estrada, Sofia Orellana and Mia Rivera.

Master of ceremonies was Brian Murphy, a captain with the Glendale Fire Department. Olivia Ontivaros described the fashions, and Mel Dangcil played music. The grand prize — a week stay in a condo on Maui — was won by Anita Danelian and donated by member Jeannine Jones.

Holiday Hats & Gowns still provides the fashions for the show, as it did many years ago. But instead of the mannequins from the Oakmont League modeling, L’Aureole members and friends modeled dresses and separates in tearoom-style — walking between the tables so guests could touch the luscious fabrics.

Modeling were Grace Sheldon-Williams, Anna Hernandez-Torres, Liz Nelson, Amanda Lyons, Naomi Zamazalova and Susan Skiffington, who also twirled in styles during the event covered by Hanssen 44 years ago. She still looks stunning.

Sorority organization raising scholarship funds

The Glendale Area Alumnae Panhellenic will hold its 70th annual scholarship luncheon on Saturday at the Oakmont Country Club, 3100 Country Club Drive, Glendale.

Scholarships are given to qualified female high school seniors. The group also awards scholarships to qualified college sorority women from the local area who meet certain requirements.

In 2017, panhellenic volunteers raised and granted more than $6,000 in scholarships.

Sorority membership is not required to attend the luncheon, which will have the theme “Kentucky Derby – Run for the Roses.” Wearing a hat is encouraged but not required. The cost is $60.

For reservations, download a printed invitation and reservation form or reserve online at and tap on the “Annual Benefit Luncheon” tab.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
