
On The Town: Symphony committee stampedes for funds

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The Women’s Committee of the Glendale Symphony Orchestra Assn. will not go down without a fight in the face of more local symphonies popping up — all wanting a chunk of their patrons’ time and money.

On Aug. 28, these intrepid, women volunteers staged their annual “Stampede” fundraiser at the Jeffers’ estate in La Cañada Flintridge. Eva Jeffers was a gracious hostess of some 70 members and guests, most in Western attire. There was a fun “three-ring circus” atmosphere among boutiques with jewelry, clothing and paintings for the women and a boutique for the men, featuring men’s furs from Dicker and Dicker in Beverly Hills — always a favorite of the late Mr. Blackwell.

A social and a several course buffet of salmon and tri tip were tossed in for good measure.

Martha Feutz donated what looked like a miniature “wedding” cake. But right before dessert, Annie’s Scandal! reps showed up toting their own rack of women’s clothes for sale. Trying on some pretty pieces were Mary Margaret Smith, Loys Bonner and Kathy Dupree.

More Glendale residents who enjoyed the cool evening included Women’s Committee President Jennifer Horine, Jeraldine Saunders and her friend Guatemalan club owner Donaldo Monroy. Doyle Kutch looked over the men’s furs, but he said he already has a full-length mink coat at home.

The evening’s proceeds of close to $3,000 will benefit the Ensembles in the Schools Program.

More women-in-charge included members of Soroptimist International of the Verdugos. They put on a three-in-one event on Aug. 25, which included the induction of new members, the installation of new club officers and the giving of Breast Cancer Grant Awards.

The Middle Eastern setting was the Karoun Restaurant on South Glendale Avenue. Close to 50 members and guests were on hand to enjoy the exotic fare, including Glendale City Councilman Frank Quintero, who gave “Greetings from the City.”

Visitors from Soroptimist in Glendale included Past President Sandy Schultz and Margo Bottcher, active on the national level, who installed the following officers: President Michelle Lathe, Vice President Geraldine F. Yumping, Secretary Stephanie Mines, Treasurer Aida Rasper and Immediate Past President Edith Fuentes.

Fuentes has served for 18 years as a Glendale planning administrator and knows how to plan a good party. At the end of the evening she introduced the cancer survivor honorees, Mme Gojit and Helen M. Ligot.

Fuentes told her audience: “I would be the happiest person on Earth if we do not have to give these grants annually, which means there are no more breast cancer patients.”

Through the Strikes-n-Spares (Strike out Breast Cancer and Spare Lives) June fundraiser, Soroptimist of the Verdugos offers financial support to local breast cancer survivors to help pay for treatments not covered by insurance, as well as for daycare, gas and other related expenses.

Once again, Glendale charity ladies come to the rescue — in this case a 50% off sale at Thrift Alley thrift store, sponsored by the Assistance League of Glendale. On Aug. 27, an enthusiastic crowd was already lined up for the 10 a.m. start of the sale.

Assistance League volunteers practically had to jump out of the way once they opened their doors. Many customers had scoped out their favorite items earlier in the week, hoping to buy them at half price when the sale started.

Assistance League President Jean Peacock supervised her hard-working staff of volunteers as customer after customers lined up at the cash registers eager to part with their money for a had-to-have item. Small but mighty Herta Collins will be taking over the chairmanship of Thrift Alley from Karen Millman. Collins was present to assist customers, including Glendale resident Sandy Wilson.

“For seniors on limited incomes, this is a godsend,” Wilson said.

Thrift Alley proceeds of $3,000 to $4,000 will go to the league’s charities.

Only women were present to set up the monthly mixer of the Glendale Latino Assn. This one was held on Aug. 25 at Glendale’s El Morfi Restaurant, offering Argentine and Italian Cuisine.

Although men soon joined the party, the officers of the organization are all women, including President Amy Navarrete, Past Presidents Mercy Velazquez and Martha Rivera, Secretary Nancy Guillen and Treasurer Alicia Widmaier.

Mixer $10 contributions and sponsorships benefit the organization’s scholarship fund. This year, $18,000 was awarded to 24 local high school students.
