
Magazine salutes women who give

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How does one get on the cover of Business Life magazine? Become a local Woman of Achievement. You do that by being a hardworking, selfless and passionate leader in Glendale, Burbank and the surrounding communities. A total of 39 women were introduced during a 20th anniversary celebration with a gala banquet on Sept. 22 at the Hilton Glendale.

In addition to the 19 Women Achievers honored for 2010, another 20, called Women Extraordinaire, were chosen from more than 325 women honored during the years 1990 to 2010.

This year’s 19 Women Achievers are, representing Glendale, Paula Devine, Louisa Gourjian, Judee Kendall, Dawn Lindsay, Kim Milstein, Liz Mirzaian and Rima Abedi-Sagherian. Burbank recipients are Debbie Kukta, Brenda Lantieri and Anja Reinke. More of this year’s honored women are Aleen Boladian-Kaypekian, Alice Griselle, Julie Gutierrez, Gail Lara, Sandra Mejia, Stacie Olivares Howard, Anita Quinonez Gabrielian, Martha Rood and Juanita West-Tillman.

Master of ceremonies Greg Krikorian juggled several hats. Krikorian is president of the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education and Business Life Executive vice president. The evening’s delightful surprise was his awarding of the “Unsung Hero Award” to his mother, breast cancer survivor Elsie Krikorian.

Business Life magazine, in partnership with the Foothill Workforce Investment Board, will present the 2010 Foothill Business Form on Oct. 20.


World famous artist Vladimir Atanian has been living modestly in Glendale for 18 years. On Sunday, Atanian’s 50-year artistic career, along with his 70th birthday year, was celebrated with a free art exhibition at the Glendale Pacific Community Center.

Dozens of art patrons had the opportunity to view and potentially buy 47 of Atanian’s paintings and sculptures. Also available for purchase was a coffee-table-type book with lush representations of the multifunctional artist’s work as painter, sculptor, ceramist and decorator.

Known informally as the “Armenian Picasso,” Atanian is responsible for creating the nine colorama cubes made out of acrylic and aluminum that hang from the ceiling at the entrance to the Community Center. He also painted three 10-by-10-foot murals as a permanent installation on the façade of the Burbank Artist Colony Building.

In 2003, Atanian established the Atanian Art Center School of Fine Art & Design in Glendale. Currently more than 200 elementary and high school students take classes, some of which Atanian teaches.

Having shown his art in more than 300 exhibitions around the world and having been the recipient of many awards, Atanian is proudest of a local award. In 2008, Atanian was honored by the city of Glendale with the “Diamond Award in Lifetime Achievement.”

“I am very proud of this city — I like this country,” he said.


Ten seats to ride on the Glendale Rose Float in the 122nd Rose Parade, presented by Honda, were up for auction at an early-evening wine and cheese reception held at the Friendship Garden and Japanese Tea House in Brand Park. The Glendale Rose Float Assn. welcomed close to 100 guests on Sunday. A very generous Glendale resident Sheila Murray won two seats at $1,500 apiece for her granddaughter Bethany Moss and new husband Matt Moss to appear as bride and groom on the photo-themed, “Say Cheese!” Glendale Rose Float.

Assn. President Garry Ackerman kept busy announcing the raffle ticket winners of a multitude of prizes. More association officers present included Vice President Sean Bersell and Recording Secretary Kathy Lefkovits.

The city of Glendale, which first entered a float in the parade in 1911, holds the distinction of being the second-oldest continuous entry in the Rose Parade.


The La Crescenta Woman’s Club held an “Italian Night” Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday. The clubhouse was packed with a record 70 supporters, all paying a mere $15 to sup and socialize. The evening represents one of the last fundraisers members will be holding to fund the activities of their 100th anniversary year in 2011. Dinner event Co-Chairwomen Mary Anne Jennings, Daryl Baker-Pollock and Margaret Dickson went all out with Italian music accompanying the steaming plates of all-you-can-eat spaghetti and meatballs. Baker-Pollock contributed her to-die-for fruit tarts.

Club Co-Presidents Carol Huntwork and Ginny Bundick welcomed members and guests and helped sell the cheapest opportunity tickets in town — only $1 for three tickets.

Dec. 10 will mark the club’s kick-off for its centennial year. The club will partner with the Crescenta Valley Historical Society for a joint Christmas Party at which the club will be honored.
