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Society offers drawing for dinner at museum

The Glendale Historical Society is having a drawing for “A Candlelight Dinner for Two” served in the Victorian dining room of the Doctors’ House Museum in Brand Park, redeemable in 2011 on a date of the couple’s choice.

Tickets are $5 per ticket or five tickets for $20. The drawing will be held on Feb. 6 at the Doctors House. Winner will be notified by telephone.

To purchase tickets, call (323) 251-9697. Proceeds support the nonprofit historical society.

Course on mental illness offered

The National Alliance on Mental Illness Glendale will sponsor the national alliance’s 12-week Family to Family Education Program from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Feb. 2 at Glendale Adventist Medical Center, 1509 Wilson Terrace. The course is free.

The course will cover information about schizophrenia, the mood disorders (bi-polar disorder and major depression), panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder, coping skills such as handling crisis and relapse, medication information, communication skills, recovery and rehabilitation.

The course is for parents, siblings, spouses, teen-age and adult sons and daughters and significant others who caregivers of persons with mental illness.

To register, call Jonee B. Shady at (213) 251-6516 or e-mail

Professor presents music appreciation class

Ted Stern, professor of music at Glendale Community College, will conduct the off-campus music appreciation class for adults from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. each Tuesday beginning Feb. 15 at the Crescenta Valley United Methodist Church, 2700 Montrose Ave., Montrose.

This semester will cover “Film Composers and Other Related Stuff”. The course ends May 31. The cost is $90. For information, call (818) 248-8110.

Business women raise funds for charity

The Verdugo Hills chapter of Business and Professional Women gathered for lunch and a holiday themed silent auction on Dec. 10 at Dominick’s Italian Restaurant in La Crescenta.

Members and guests raised $815 at the auction, and the club matched $700 of its own, and divided the proceeds between Wellness Works of Glendale and Burbank Temporary Aid Center. Two separate gifts of $100 each from the club’s treasury were given to the Walter Hoving Home in Pasadena, and Family Promise of the Greater San Fernando Valley.

“This annual party grows each year,” President Kandice Astamendi said. “We’re so happy to be able to help our community, after a year of networking, sharing and business development that brings success to our members.”

Special guests included Sandy Thompson, president-elect of the California Federation of Business and Professional Women; Marjory Hopper, vice president of Valley Sunset District; and Rosemary Enzer, editor of the ValSun BPW publication.

This international working women’s organization is dedicated to women’s equality and economic education and empowerment. The Verdugo Hills chapter meets for lunch monthly at La Cabinita Restaurant in Glendale. Reservations for lunch can be made by calling (818) 606-2677.

Five Acres Children’s Guild recruiting

The Five Acres Children’s Guild will be hosting an informational gathering on Feb. 3, for all who want to learn more about Five Acres or may be interested in working with the children of Five Acres and supporting the services provided by the agency.

The meeting will be from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Five Acres’ Zeilstra Research and Training Center, 747 W. Mountain View St., Altadena. Light refreshments will be served followed by a tour of the Five Acres campus. For inquiries, contact Robin Smith Jurado at (626)798-6793, Ext 2210 or at
