
Fashion show part of 100th celebration

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Even if the economy is still in a slump, the ladies at the La Crescenta Woman’s Club evidently don’t know it. The clubhouse was bursting with 180 members and guests for a full morning and afternoon of activities on March 26. After a brief business meeting, out came dozens of silent-auction baskets, tickets for opportunity prizes and lunch. And all that was before the live auction and fashion show.

Co-presidents Genny Bundick and Carol Huntwork reminded their audience that this annual fashion show is one of many activities going on this year representing the club’s 100 years of community service. Event co-chairwoman Dea McCrory made a spirited auctioneer while her co-chairwoman, Carol Benedetti, played Vana White, showing off sparkling baskets of treasures.

A favorite prize was dinner for four at Fire Station 63. Winner Sharyn Gunter snapped up the chance to eat the firefighters’ fine cooking for a mere $300. Another popular live-auction item was a ride-a-long with members of the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. Winner Lisa Tush paid $180 for the opportunity. Posing with Sheriff Detective Rodger Burt for a quick snap, Tush explained the ride-along is for her son, Marshall Tush, 17, a student at St. Francis. Lisa Tush is a teacher at Holy Redeemer School. For this event, she supervised her students, who were efficient waiters and waitress for the luncheon. They were joined by students from St. James School.

Carolyn Robinson from Draper’s and Damon’s performed fashion-show commentating duties. Models were all members of the club. The star of the show had to be Jean Bates, who had just celebrated her 90th birthday. Huntwork’s husband, Dick Huntwork, was model escort, so there was nary a stumble down the cat walk.

Expected proceeds of between $6,000 and $8,000 will benefit the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Department and Fire Station 63. (Fire station personnel are looking forward to a brand new rescue saw from the proceeds.)


The 37th annual Big Strike Auction, presented by the Verdugo Hills Council of the Boy Scouts of America, had a first. Two scouts who had just received their Eagle Scout awards were introduced by master of ceremonies Chris Erskine. The crowd of 340 supporters listened to Armen Ter Zakarian and Matthew Diradoorian describe their roads to Eagle.

“I earned 10 merit badges in one summer,” said Matthew, who was sporting a total of 28 merit badges on his uniform sash.

Burbank’s Castaway Restaurant was the setting for the auction, featuring a record 318 silent- and live-auction items. One table alone was devoted to food-related prizes. With only the stroke of a pen, the largest bidders received slabs of beef, fancy breads and platters of fruit. Glendale residents Joan and Bob Nellis brought in hundreds of silent-auction items in the face of a sagging economy that has made donations scarce.

Event co-chairmen Dorothy and Bob Black and current council chair Rahla Hall Lindsey well-implemented the evening’s theme of “Scouting Builds Memories” by offering an auction and prime rib dinner that will not soon be forgotten. Winner of “The Bold and Beautiful” daytime drama walk-on, Sam Engle Sr. of Burbank, expects his TV experience will be memory-making. And it only set him back $525. Dorothy Black placed the winning bid on a white gold diamond pendant, valued at $6,300. Black paid $3,400 for it.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) made a welcome appearance but was not tempted to try his luck at the auction tables.

Expected proceeds of more than $70,000 will fund Scout equipment, trips and training. The Verdugo Hills Council serves more than 3,200 youth in Glendale, Burbank, Eagle Rock and the foothill communities.


The Americana at Brand has jumped onto the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief Fund with a vengeance. Working with the Glendale-Crescenta Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, Americana developer Rick Caruso has announced that until early April, 5% of all customer shopping receipts will be donated to the Red Cross. Customers help out by presenting their receipts at the Concierge Services desk.

Extending the Americana’s donation theme of “Shopping with a Purpose” is Americana’s Chico’s. Between 4 and 9 p.m. Thursday, the women’s clothing store also donated 10% of its sales to the Red Cross’ Japan Relief Fund. Glendale-Crescenta Valley board members Bonnie Schroeder and Martha Rodriguez modeled fashions.

Glendale resident Lucille Ufberg, shopping at Chico’s, wasn’t aware of the drive, but was glad to help out. She was eying jewelry but left with a handsome pair of pants. Chico’s manager Elizabeth Talamantes and sales lead Marisa Nawir were happy to oblige.
