
Devotion pays off for club member

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Iluminada Guy on Tuesday received the annual News-Press Perpetual Trophy for her dedication to the Women’s Athletic Club of Glendale.

Guy was presented the award during the June Tea at the club’s Glendale clubhouse.

“Thank you, this is an honor,” Guy said.

The award, which premiered in 1938, honors a club member who goes beyond what is expected in supporting the club’s activities.

Members belong to one of three departments — Hikers, Music or Honey Bees. Each has fundraising events throughout the year to support scholarships for students following sports-oriented careers.

Guy, who lives in Los Angeles, has been a member of the athletic club since 2000. She is a member of the Hikers and recently joined the Honey Bees.

The retired medical lab technician said her favorite part of the club is the hiking, especially at Griffith Park.

“I do it for the physical fitness and it helps me stay slim,” she said.

Incoming president Margaret Hammond said she is impressed by the way Guy always pitches in for kitchen duty at general membership luncheons.

“She’s a very helpful person, very sweet and always volunteering for things,” Hammond said. “She never expects recognition and when everybody takes off, she’s right there helping clean up and doing the dishes.”

Guy also does anything she’s asked to do, said outgoing President Martha Moren.

“She usually volunteers before you can ask her,” Moren said. “She always helps at the annual parking lot sale. She hangs all the clothes on the racks and makes sure they are clean — and she’s always pleasant.”
