
Fashion show provides ‘Fun in the Sun’

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More than 120 members and guests of the La Providencia Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles gathered at the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel for the organization’s annual summer mustering and fashion show on July 16.

Welcomed by the day’s official greeter, Tomme Lenz, along with event chairwoman Katherine Richards and guild president Judy Gragg, attendees mingled during a social hour that also gave them the opportunity to peruse and bid in a silent auction.

The guild, a Burbank-based charity chartered in 1947 to foster interest in and support of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, raises awareness and fosters support for Children’s Hospital by staging an annual year-end holiday-themed luncheon and fashion, a spring cotillion and a summer fashion show that focuses on new membership. Throughout the year guild members also raise funds by operating a volunteer-run, boutique-style thrift shop, located at 3301 W. Burbank Blvd., that offers household items, books, furnishings, collectibles and an eclectic variety of new and vintage items.

Last week’s fashion show, presented under the theme “Fun in the Sun,” was hosted by mistress of ceremonies Mary Jo Hjelmstrom and showcased guild member models featuring formal, business and casual offerings available at the thrift shop. Among those who worked the catwalk were Janel Clausen, Debbie Lowman, Doris Palmer, Ann Schwab, Janet Sedhom, Janice Shafer, Marje Simay, Nancy Wiggins and Rosemarie Witten.

The event, made possible by committee members Chris Welker, Alicia Katz, Maria Kerrigan, Debbie Hartzman, Dorothy Austin, Sue Ann Gordon, Mary Hurst, Tanya Karn and Teri Sumner, will assist the guild in their continuing fundraising efforts to support the Hollywood teaching, research and pediatric care facility that provides the highest quality healthcare for children in our region and beyond.

Each year, Children’s Hospital treats more than 93,000 children who need care that is so complex, it can only be provided by highly trained pediatric specialists. The hospital provides care in more than 100 medical specialty and subspecialty areas. The hospital is a pediatric trauma center that operates one of the largest dedicated neonatal and pediatric transport programs in the nation. The facility also houses a Newborn and Infant Critical Care Unit, a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and a Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit.

Among the notables in attendance to support the cause were guild officers Nancy Johnson, Dolly Monte, Joan Chandler, Pat Maskell and Lynn White-Shelby. Other members and supporters who enjoyed the day included Mary Christensen, Sharon Terranova, Marj Overstreet, Diane Campbell, Lorelei Kelley, Sue Ann Gordon, Debbi Lowman, Judy la Verde, Beverly Jean Davies-Swaim, Connie Lawless, Malena Tappan, Veronica Chavoor, Donna Salant, Deorah Spang, Max Andrews, Carol Thielemann, Gwen Madrid, Brittany Latham and Tish Sellers.

You may contact David Laurel at: or (818) 563-1007.
