
She’s directing the universe’s traffic

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Inside Que Linda, Victoria da Salla’s peaceful La Crescenta boutique, water babbles in fountains and aromatic incense burns. The items da Salla offers — body oils, polished stones, clothing, jewelry, music, loose leaf teas and books — are meant to assist anyone in their personal, spiritual journey.

Although this can be difficult to convey in a few words of advertising copy, da Salla said, many of her customers have learned about the store by word-of-mouth. Her shop’s list of Facebook followers continues to grow.

“Que Linda — that’s the thing I say to everybody. What is beautiful to you? What in your heart, what in your community, that you wear, you smell, you touch, you hear? Not you physically, but through your eyes — your heart. That’s kind of what we offer to somebody.”

The 3-year-old boutique is adjacent to the Body ’N Soul Studio, where da Salla’s mother, Emma Linda Molina-Ynequez, a licensed massage therapist, offers massages to clients.

A Crescenta Valley High School graduate and mother of two boys, da Salla also oversees people referred to in the store as soul workers. They use her space to host yoga classes, reiki healing, life coaching, reflexology, African or Native American drum classes and more. Once a month, writers and musicians convene to share material in what’s dubbed the “Emerging Artists Salon.”

A former manager at Topson Downs — a clothing manufacturer for stores such as Wal-Mart and JCPenney— da Salla climbed the corporate ladder. Many of the items in her shop are inspired by her travels.

A favorite part of da Salla’s job is directing people to products they might not consciously be looking for, whether it’s a blue protective stone or an owl necklace that signifies wisdom.

“I listen for what people have going on and what they’re drawn to,” da Salla said. She may lead them to a workshop or session with a soul worker, the unofficial name she’s given the life coaches, drum instructors and massage therapists working at the store. For this reason, a friend has told da Salla that she is directing the traffic at the universe’s intersection.

“These are the things all of us who are here have experienced. They’re all intentions that all do the same thing — make you feel good about your journey; make you feel good about you,” she said. “If we can help you in any way, that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Kriste Messal is a massage therapist at the boutique who also offers alchemy by using essences she creates for clients in massage and energy sessions. She said of da Salla and her mother, “They’re very loving, giving and generous.” For her, the boutique as a space to talk about personal healing and the soul journey is a place “where you can go and feel safe and take a breath.”

La Cañada Flintridge resident and customer Amy De Rosa said Que Linda Boutique is where she does her Christmas shopping, not to mention year-round shopping. “My house is filled with stuff from Que Linda,” she said. A friend tipped her off to the store with a gift certificate for a massage from da Salla’s mother. “It changed me. It really did,” she said of her experience. “I love that place.”
