
Glendale Healthy Kids event a success

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When evening events start early in Glendale, it’s so there can be more fun to be had. A wine tasting at 5:00 p.m. leaves plenty of time for dinner afterward. Glendale Association of Realtors members wanted to make sure wine was the appetizer for an evening of choice. On Wednesday, Sept. 14, the Realtors partnered with Red Carpet Wines for the Second Annual “A Taste of Wine, Before You Dine” — all for the benefit of Glendale Healthy Kids.

But wine wasn’t all there was. There were hors d’oeuvres and finger food, there was the opportunity to network, there was 10% off all store purchases and there were raffle prizes with the chance to win an iPad. All of this was available for $25 in advance or $30 at the door. What a deal!

Glendale residents on hand to enjoy the largesse included Nick Hacopian of Glen West Management Co. Realtors were well represented by Kathy Lefkovits and Dilbeck’s Sheri Ruiz. Dawn Radcliff was there on behalf of the Assn. of Realtors and Ted Boyce was from Inter Valley Escrow. Community volunteer Debbie Hinkley brought J.C. Chauvin with husband John Byer.

Past presidents of Glendale Healthy Kids were out in force including Elizabeth Manasserian and Brian Bergh. Bergh, a local dentist, has lent his services to Glendale Healthy Kids for 18 years. A busy man, Bergh will be next year’s president of Glendale Noon Rotary.

Glendale Health Kids’ Executive Director Camille Levee gave the organization a plug. “We serve immigrants who come to Glendale and cover what Medi Cal doesn’t cover; we’re a safety net,” said Levee. Levee, who has been with Glendale Healthy Kids for five years, also made clear, “We receive no government funds.” Following her remarks, Levee gave framed awards to the Assn. of Realtors and Red Carpet Wines.

Glendale Healthy Kids is looking forward to recognizing its first decade with a “Celebration of Healthy Kids” at Palate Food & Wine on Oct. 1.

Ruth Sowby may be reached at
