
GCC’s Patrons Club keeps busy

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The Asian chicken salad was temporarily off the menu at Burbank’s Castaway Restaurant on Thursday (Jan. 19). That was because more than 50 members and their guests of the Patrons Club of Glendale Community College enjoyed the restaurant’s specialty until it was gone.

Club Advisor Dean Paul Schlossman welcomed his audience and reminded them that since 1947 the club has been raising money for student scholarships. He also described the experiences of several graduates of the college who have gone on to become administrators at other colleges. Their formula for success, according to Schlossman, was student government activity, and “they met the right program; they hung out with the right students.” Another common denominator — all of these successful students achieved Patrons scholarships or grants-in-aid.

Schlossman was also the installing officers for the club’s 2012 officers. The new board is made up of President Carolyn Payne, 1st First Vice President Betty Musacco, 2nd Vice President Marianne Jennings, 3rd Vice Presidents Geri Costello and Shirley Wright, Treasurer Judy Gorham, Recording Secretary Pat Beggs and Corresponding Secretary & Courtesy Chairwoman Margaret Hammond.

Standing committee members are Gorham, chairwoman of budget and finance, with her committee members Payne, Musacco and Costello; Leila Layseca, hospitality; Flora Corsini, publicity; Gorham, chairwoman of scholarships with committee members Payne, Musacco, Layseca, Julie Barabee and Betty Myers; Wright, chairwoman of the telephone committee, joined by Beggs, Jennings, Nadia Myers, Diana Sertich and Karen Wharton.

Following the fast-paced installation, in gratitude for Schlossman’s support of the club, Musacco presented him with a box of his favorite candies.

College VIPs attending included Supt./President Dawn Lindsay, Supt./President emeritus John Davitt and Executive Vice President of Administrative Services Ron Nakasone.

A hardy contingent of members of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club were also present to congratulate the new officers. Club members on hand were Donna Dieny, Genny Bundick, Jennings and Ellie Pipes.

Patrons Club members are looking forward to their Fashion Show and Luncheon on Nov. 2. The event will mark the club’s 65th anniversary and is its largest fundraiser. To that end, a new item in their silent auction will be “Breakfast with the Chief” — new college Chief of Police Gary Montecuollo, just named “Man of the Year” by the Glendale Latino Assn. Montecuollo will also provide to the highest bidder a ride to breakfast in his squad car, sirens blazing. For those in the know, the chief is an eligible bachelor-about-town who also volunteers for several worthy charities in Glendale. Line up at the silent auction tables, girls. But no shoving.

RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
