
Community: Hoover High class celebrates its 60th year

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The Class of 1953 from Hoover High School gathered late last month for a 60th reunion luncheon at Oakmont Country Club. More than 100 people attended, including graduates, spouses, grown children and friends.

Jim Hushaw was the master of ceremonies and the Rev. Karen Bickenbach-Kiser gave the blessing. Karl Boeckmann led a champagne toast to all class members who have passed away. There was one table set aside for classmates attending for the first time.

Those attending agreed the event was the best in class history for three reasons, said Jeannine Sova Jones.

First, there is a Southern California group that gets together every two to three months for lunch at Galpin Motors in Reseda. Second, a book of current biographies was sent out to participants ahead of the event. And finally, the classmates are at an age where they don’t need to impress anyone.

The biography book was edited, printed and mailed by Jean Black Lierman of McMinville, Ore. Susan Hatfield Stanton was reunion chairwoman, assisted by Nancy Cover Campbell, Lillie Niedrich Kraut, Jeannine Sova Jones, Norm Whytock, Chuck Miller, Marilyn Montgomery McKay and Bill Wentzel.

Lemonade sale benefits cancer services

Four young women are raising awareness and funds with the third annual Breast Cancer Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday at Verdugo Park at Canada Boulevard and Colina Drive.

All proceeds benefit the Glendale Adventist Medical Center Cancer Services. The organizers are Deena Gharibian, Lara Rostomian, Leah Gharibian and Nairi Rostomian.

They raised $750 in 2011 and $2,285 in 2012. Hopefully, they will triple the number this year.

Guild raises $165,000 for stroke center

Patt Scully is moving full steam ahead to a second term as president of Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild after completing a successful first year in which the women’s group raised $165,000 for the hospital’s Hycy & Howard Hill Neuroscience Institute.

Theresa D. Meyers, vice president of the Providence St. Joseph Foundation, accepted the check during the installation tea at Lakeside Golf Club on June 12.

The guild’s pledge to the institute is $500,000, Scully said, and the current balance is $255,946.

In thanking the guild, Meyers gave members an update on a patient who, while giving birth, had suffered a stroke and was now in rehabilitation. She is walking and talking and should go home soon to her newborn baby and her other child.

“Those are the lives you touch,” Meyers said. “And I can’t tell you how much your efforts are appreciated. Every year, I get a bigger kick out of being in this room with all of you, so thank you very much.”

Member Angie Scholl used a nautical theme to install Scully and her officers, including Maria Balke, first vice president; Patti Cassidy, second vice president; Pam Shriftman, director of finance; Chicky Abel, corresponding secretary; and Roberta Kerr, recording secretary.

Past presidents attending the tea were Chik Smaldino, Jo Massimini, Grace Mylroie Patz, Wanda Bistange of Glendale, Donna Mahoney, Julie McArdle, Terry Campbell, Lucy Brown, Kathleen Marsden and Eugenia Beccarelli.

Upcoming events include card parties on Aug. 14 and Oct. 2 at Lakeside Golf Club and the annual fashion show on May 3 at the Sheraton Universal.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
