
Calvo achieves Eagle Scout rank

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Glendale resident John Calvo Jr. recently earned his Eagle Scout rank after completing a community service project at his former preschool.

Calvo has been a member of Boy Scout Troop #502 in La Cañada Flintridge for eight years.

He has held a variety of leadership positions in the troop, volunteering more than 400 hours in the community and earning more than 60 merit badges, with 14 of those required to become an Eagle Scout, earning him seven Eagle Palms. He was a member of the Philmont Scout Ranch crew in New Mexico, where he hiked more than 100 miles.

Calvo attended kindergarten through eighth grade at St. Bede School, and he recently graduated from St. Francis High School with honors.

He plans to attend the University of La Verne this fall on a four-year academic scholarship, majoring in biology/pre-med.

He completed his Eagle Scout project in 2016 at Foothill Progressive Montessori School by remodeling two classrooms and building a wood bench for the children who attend there.

Twitter: @LAMarkKellam
