
Fake turf OK’d for Edison Elementary School field

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Improvements to several parks are in the pipeline, including an $878,000 project to install artificial turf at the Pacific Park-Edison Elementary School complex.

City Council members welcomed the artificial turf, noting that the natural-turf, 31,500-square-foot multi-purpose field on the Edison Elementary School campus is in dire need of repair.

“I’m very, very happy that we’ve reached this point,” said Councilman Frank Quintero.

The multi-purpose field — which is open to residents during non-school hours — is popular among soccer players, for whom city officials have been working to increase and improve facilities throughout Glendale. Earlier this month, the city opened up the Civic Auditorium for indoor soccer games.

While the city bans artificial turf in front yards, it is allowed on city property and in backyards — a somewhat controversial rule with homeowners who were forced to remove fake turf installed in their front setbacks.

Construction is expected to begin on the artificial field in November, said Community Services & Parks Director Jess Duran.

In addition to green-lighting the fake turf at the South Glendale facility, the council also approved two new playgrounds at New York and Dunsmore parks in North Glendale this week. The council also approved spending $296,000 on playground sets featuring slides, swings and climbing equipment.


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