
La Crescenta hit with several residential burglaries

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Several La Crescenta residents found their homes ransacked in a series of local burglaries last week, according to authorities.

The first of the burglaries was reported on Feb. 6 in the 4800 block of Briggs Avenue. A resident had woken up from an afternoon nap to discover that his late mother’s coin collection had been stolen, according to an incident report from the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station.

According to the report, the man had been living in a nearby guest house and had placed most of his mother’s valuables in the front room of the main home.

“[The man] said he has been extra vigilant to make sure the house is always locked up with items just sitting in front of the room,” the report states.

He told deputies that when he awoke from his nap he saw a door’s deadbolt was unlocked and the front door was open despite his having locked them both before he went to sleep.

There were no visible signs of forced entry into the home, according to the report.

The next two burglaries occurred on Feb. 9.

A woman arrived at her home in the 2800 block of Frances Avenue and found the front door unlocked and its glass shattered.

“[The woman] saw the shattered glass on the kitchen floor and various ransacked items in the kitchen and hallway,” according to a sheriff’s report.

Several rooms in the home had been ransacked, and the thieves stole an iPad and several pieces of silver.

Another burglary was reported less than a mile away in the 4900 block of Glenwood Avenue, where thieves used a boarded up pet door to break into a home.

The part of the door inside the home had been covered with drywall but the portion facing the outside was exposed, a sheriff’s report states.

The report said “entry was made into the house by unknown person(s) by kicking in the drywall and crawling into the living room portion of the home.”

After gaining entry, the thieves proceeded to rifle through the home. Several pieces of jewelry and a laptop computer were reported stolen.

An attempted burglary was also reported that day just after 2 p.m. in the 5400 block of La Crescenta Avenue.

A resident heard noise coming from his backyard and saw the silhouette of a person walking behind his home. According to the sheriff’s station, the man saw nothing when he went outside to check for the source of the noise.

However, when he checked his video surveillance system, he saw that two men had been in the back of his home.

“As the two suspects approached the residence’s rear door, they saw that the residents were home and fled toward the front of the residence,” a sheriff’s report states.

Twitter: @Andy_Truc
