
Renovations of some Glendale streets underway

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Glendale is making its streets safer with two upcoming road-repair projects and one in the works.

Using funding from SB1, known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act, which was passed last year, Glendale will make updates to Doran Street, San Fernando Road and Highland Avenue.

The act increased taxes and fees to raise more than $5 billion annually for local street maintenance across the state. It also provides new funds to transit agencies, bike and pedestrian projects and transportation-related research.

The measure is designed to provide funding to improve the state’s transportation network.

The Road Repair and Accountability Act has, so far, given Glendale $1.15 million, which the city put into use in April for a program called the Doran Street and Adjacent Streets Rehabilitation Project.

Doran hasn’t been repaved since 1973, according to city spokesman Tom Lorenz.

The repairs being done between Brand Boulevard and Adams Street include replacing deteriorated pavement, curbs and crosswalks, replacing 29,000 square feet of sidewalks and upgrading three traffic signals, as well as adding a traffic signal where Doran Street, Balboa Avenue and North Geneva Street intersect.

Closures on the street will be intermittent between Adams and Glendale avenues, Lorenz said. The project is expected to be complete in August.

Before 2019, the city expects to break ground on two more rehabilitation projects — one on Highland Avenue and the third phase of a project on San Fernando Road, which will receive $1.15 million and $2.2 million in SB1 funding, respectively.

The streets haven’t been repaved since the 1980s.

The Highland project will include resurfacing between San Fernando and Kenneth roads, while the San Fernando project will involve road resurfacing between Pacific and Elk avenues.

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