
Among Glendale’s 4 high schools, students’ test scores show mixed results

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Glendale Unified students are continuing to see gains in state-standardized test results, and they remain above the state average — up to 12% — in English-language arts and mathematics, according to data released Wednesday by state officials.

The results show that 61% of students in third through eighth grades as well as high school juniors met or exceeded the English standard and 50% met or exceeded the math standard.

Clark Magnet High School, known for its focus on math and science since it was established as a magnet school in the late 1990s, saw an 8% hike in math results compared to last year, with 72% of juniors meeting or exceeding the subject’s standard.

In English, 91% met or exceeded the standard, basically the same as last year.

The largest achievement gap among the four high schools was at Hoover High School.

Results show 52% of juniors met or exceeded the English standard, which is a 16% drop compared to last year’s results. In math, 29% met or exceeded the standard, an 11% decline from the previous year.

At Crescenta Valley High, scores remained basically flat in English, with 84% of juniors meeting or exceeding the standard, and math, with 61% meeting or exceeding the standard.

At Glendale High, 60% of juniors met or exceeded the English standard, marking a 7% rise from results last year. In math, 34% met or exceeded the standard, which remained steady compared to 2016.

“We are pleased to report that GUSD students continue to outperform state and L.A. County averages,” said Glendale Unified Supt. Winfred Roberson Jr. in a statement. “In alignment with GUSD’s LCAP pillar of maximizing student achievement, our teachers and administrators are focused on using data-driven planning and interventions to close achievement gaps and target students who need additional support in the 2017-18 school year.”

The online exam bases follow-up questions on a student’s answers. If a student answers a question correctly, they are given a more difficult question. If they answer incorrectly, they receive an easier question.

Scores fall into four achievement levels: standard exceeded, standard met, standard nearly met and standard not met.

“I’m pleased we retained our gains, but we have more work to do, State Supt. of Public Education Tom Torlakson said in a statement. We need to work diligently to narrow achievement gaps and make sure all students continue to make progress. It’s important to remember that these tests are far more rigorous and realistic than the previous paper-and-pencil tests.”

Twitter: @vegapriscella
