
Reader Response - Bob Weger

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Bob Weger

There has recently been some concern expressed about the process

required to replace a missing automated trash receptacle. I believe a

clarification of the city’s policy would be helpful to the News-Press and

its readers.

The Public Works Division, Integrated Waste Management Section, has a

policy in place for the replacement of any refuse, yard waste or

recycling container that is lost or stolen. These containers are

100-gallon wheeled, “automated” containers that are designed for use in

the automated collection of refuse and recyclable materials.

Although provided free of charge to customers, these containers have a

monetary value of $50 each, and are the property of the city. However,

considering that three containers are provided to each customer, and

there are over 35,000 customers, the total cost to Glendale for the

containers exceeds $5 million.

The city developed a policy several years ago for replacing any stolen

container. The policy is set in accordance with the provisions of the

Glendale Municipal Code, Section 8.44.120, subsection B, which states

that: “Automated refuse containers that are stolen will be replaced at no

cost provided a city police report is filed and a copy of the report is

submitted to the director of public works.”

In an effort to make the replacement process easier, the Integrated

Waste Management Section has coordinated with the Glendale Police

Department. It’s important to note that customers can process all

necessary information via the telephone. The following are steps

residents should take if their refuse container is stolen:

* Contact the Glendale Police Department to report the stolen

container. Police will issue a report or “DR” number.

* Contact the Integrated Waste Management office and provide a brief

report of the incident including which type of container is missing, your

name, address and the DR number issued by the Police Department.

Again, residents are not required to visit the Glendale Police station

or the Integrated Waste Management office. The report may be taken over

the phone and an order for a new container will be processed immediately.

The city’s policy is to have the replacement container delivered

within 24 hours. If a stolen container impacts a regular collection day,

the city will make arrangements for the collection of materials placed in

plastic garbage bags or nonautomated refuse containers until the

replacement container is delivered.

It should also be noted that while the majority of the city is closed

every other Friday, the Integrated Waste Management offices are open five

days a week, excluding the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays.

For further information please contact Robert Weger, Integrated Waste

Administrator at 548-3916.

* Bob Weger is Glendale’s Integrated Waste administrator.
