
Teen’s room gets a make-over

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Alecia Foster

NORTHWEST GLENDALE -- Brigita Pukite was a little taken aback when she

first saw her made-over bedroom.

“I was thinking, ‘This is not my room,’ ” the 17-year-old Glendale

resident said.

The cream and navy blue room with hardwood floors was a far cry from

the pink and yellow walls, complemented by an orange shag carpet, that

she had been living with just three days earlier.

Pukite’s bedroom received a make-over after she won the IKEA Sleep

Well $2,500 Bedroom Make-over Contest last month.

Pukite, a junior at Hoover High School, entered the contest during a

pajama-clad, late-night jaunt to the store for its “Insomniacs’ Dream

Come True Event.”

But when it came time to decide how she wanted her room transformed,

Pukite wasn’t quite sure. She gave them ideas and let the designers do

the rest.

“I told them I’d rather go with natural and a little bit of funky,”

she said.

Workers spent three days working on the room -- installing a new

floor, painting walls and putting in new furniture.

“I like it now,” she said. “It’s a more grown-up version.”

Her room also has met with the approval of friends and family.

“It’s beautiful,” said her mother, Anita. “Now we’re considering doing

the rest of the house,” she said with a laugh.
