
City of Glendale’s proclamation

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The following is the text of the proclamation issued at the City

Council meeting April 17 declaring this week in Glendale as a week of

remembrance for the Armenian Genocide.

Whereas, the Ottoman Empire initiated an eight-year program of terror

and mass execution beginning in 1915 that resulted in the deaths of more

than 1.5 million men, women and children of Armenian heritage; and

Whereas, we must be vigilant in our efforts to ensure that such

atrocities are never again forced by one people upon another; and

Whereas, through courses and symposiums offered at educational

institutions nationwide, citizens are learning more about the causes and

effects of the Armenian Genocide, as well as the ramification of this sad

episode in history on today’s society and generations of people and

families of Armenian ancestry; and

Whereas, this year marks the 86th anniversary of the Armenian

Genocide, and once again we have an opportunity to recall this tragedy

and rededicate ourselves to ensure that no act of such horrible magnitude

will ever occur again;

Now, therefore, I, Gus Gomez, Mayor of the City of Glendale proclaim

April 23-29, 2001, as a week of remembrance of the 86th Anniversary of

the Armenian Genocide and urge all citizens of Glendale to join in

activities being held statewide to commemorate this solemn observance;


Be It Further Resolved, that the American Flag shall be flown at

half-staff on April 24, 2001, at all City facilities in recognition of

this Day of Remembrance and in memory of those who died in the Armenian


Mayor of Glendale
