
Letter -- James R. Brown

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The editorial on Glendale Schools, “Agreement must be lasting one for

union,” which appeared in the Dec. 20 edition of the Glendale News-Press,

contained incorrect information.

The facts are as follows: The Glendale Unified School District and its

employee unions have not agreed to forgo pay raises in the face of

proposed budget cuts by Gov. Gray Davis. The district is currently on

hold and awaiting the state’s decision on reductions in the current

year’s budget before giving a salary increase to employees for 2001-02.

The state Legislature has scheduled a special session in early January to

address the budget crisis.

The salary increase for Glendale Schools employees for the 2001-02

school year will be calculated by a formula negotiated between the

district and employee organizations, and it will be based on available

state funding.



Glendale Unified School District

Glendale Teachers Assn.

California School Employees Assn.
