
Letter -- Vartkes Sinanian

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The following is an open letter to Mayor Gus Gomez:

As an Armenian-American columnist formerly of the city of Chicago, I

am glad that the silent majority of Glendale finally rejected the bigotry

and hate displayed by a vocal few, which brought shame to this wonderful


I doubt that they have come to their senses as they do not have a

basic understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of the people of

Glendale. Their only intention was to disseminate hatred and friction

between the different communities in the city.

We are proud of your courageous efforts as demonstrated during this

crisis. You handled the whole matter with dignity and civility, knowing

very well that this could threaten the future of our city. By being

steadfast during these difficult months, you signified to us all the

fundamental and universal values of human rights that are so essential to

our democracy’s future.


