
Letter -- Penny Zacarias

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It amazes me that the “defenders of the American Flag” are now the

very same people who are opposed to a memorial for the Armenian Genocide,

which is to be gifted, free of taxpayer dollars, to the city. It begs the

question as to whether their motives are truly rooted in patriotism or

whether they are motivated by more sinister undertones. Their hatred is

palpable and quite unfortunate.

I chose to write this letter to assure your readers of Armenian

ancestry that these folk are not representative of the whole city, and

are a mere few who have chosen to shamelessly indulge in their own


As far as patriotism and respect for the flag are concerned, my

Armenian neighbors were probably the first on our street to have their

flags up after Sept. 11, far in advance of some of the more longtime


We are all immigrants from somewhere, and should never have our

patriotism questioned by the likes of Ms. Kussman and Mr. Mandoky.


