
Looking forward to Spring Gala

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Marshall Allen

LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE -- Education and financial gifts given to healthy

endowments have one thing in common -- they both can pay longterm


Education and money merge in the purpose of the La Canada Flintridge

Educational Foundation. The foundation contributed $680,000 to the La

Canada Unified School District last year to supplement its basic

curriculum -- which is already one of the best in the state. Some of the

money is used to reduce class sizes by paying for three teachers and

support elementary school fine arts programs.

The La Canada Flintridge Education Foundation has its signature event,

the annual Spring Gala fund-raiser, Saturday, March 16. The

black-tie-optional dinner dance will feature silent and live auctions and

a drawing for a 2002 Ford Mustang. Last year, the event raised $200,000,

foundation Co-president Phyllis Kochavi said.

The fund-raiser comes at a time when the foundation’s Endowment Fund

trustees are launching a campaign to increase the endowment to $2.5

million by 2005. It’s currently at $1.1 million. The endowment fund was

started in 1992 to stabilize and enhance the longterm growth of the

foundation’s annual gift to the district. Five percent of the endowment

is donated every year to the district.

With net assets of $2.5 million, the endowment fund would contribute

$150,000 a year to the foundation’s annual campaign for the district.

Such a contribution would sustain the elementary music, art and drama

programs in perpetuity, foundation Co-president Rose Chan said.

The success of the foundation, in addition to the high involvement of

La Canada Flintridge parents in schools, shows how much parents care

about the schools and education for their children, Kochavi said.


WHAT: La Canada Flintridge Educational Foundation Spring Gala.

WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16.

WHERE: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,

Universal City.

DRESS: Black tie optional.

HOW MUCH: Ticket prices start at $125.

Reservations must be made for this event. For more information, call

