
Religion briefs

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Joyce Rudolph

Community is invited

to Good Friday Service

MONTROSE -- Crescenta Valley United Methodist Church will be the

location for the Community Good Friday Service at noon on Friday. The

church is at 2700 Montrose Ave.

Guest preachers will be the Rev. Tina Rouse from St. Luke’s of the

Mountains speaking on “Jesus and the Disciples” and the Rev. Dave Roberts

of Montrose Church of the Nazarene discussing “Jesus Pays the Price.”

Several area clergy will help with the service. A reception with light

refreshments is planned in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the

hourlong service.

For more information, call 249-6173.

Temple Sinai welcomes

permanent rabbi

GLENDALE -- Rabbi Jonathan Biatch, a San Fernando Valley native, has

been named the permanent rabbi at Temple Sinai of Glendale effective July


Born and raised in Studio City, Rabbi Biatch (pronounced “bite - ch”)

joins Temple Sinai after having served for several years as associate

rabbi at Beth El Hebrew Congregation in Alexandria, Va.

He was selected after a nationwide, yearlong search that began after

Rabbi Carole Meyers stepped down. In early January, Rabbi Biatch and his

wife, Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, spent five days visiting Temple Sinai. After

the visit, the board of directors unanimously voted to recommend him to

the congregation. A meeting of the entire congregation was held at which

the recommendation was unanimously accepted.

Community Good Friday

Worship scheduled

GLENDALE -- The Rev. Dr. Wayne Walters from the First United Methodist

Church of Glendale will speak at the Glendale Community Good Friday

Worship from noon to 1 p.m. at Glendale City Seventh-day Adventist

Church, 610 E. California St.

The host pastor is the Rev. Mitchell Henson.

A special offering will benefit the Salvation Army Meals on Wheels.

This event is organized by the Christian faith traditions of the

Glendale Religious Leaders Assn. led by the Rev. Frank Brougher,


Message is ‘Best

Is Yet To Come’

GLENDALE -- Chaplain William Curtiss will speak on “The Best Is Yet To

Come” at the 10 a.m. Sunday service at Glendale Church of Religious


A 15-minute meditation is at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 5 to

12 is at 10 a.m. Child care is provided.

The church is at 2146 E. Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale. For more

information, call 244-8171.

‘Crossroads’ is

topic on Palm Sunday

GLENDALE -- The topic will be “Crossroads: Power and Wisdom Crosses

Weakness and Folly” during the worship service at 11 a.m. on Palm Sunday

at Calvary Presbyterian Church.

The church is at 610 N. Glendale Ave.
