
Letter -- Emzy Veazy

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Like Sotheby’s, the fabulous world-class auction house that finds

valuable art treasures and other collectibles to distribute to the

fortunate around the world, I discovered four special people to enter the

ranks of high society and make “The New Veazy Social Register of Class”


They are Larby Ablouh (job specialist), Jody Corrales (office

specialist), Andreya Jones (office specialist) and Erik Valenzuela

(resource center specialist) at the Verdugo Jobs Center in Glendale.

As the most prominent gentleman in Glendale, I have observed and

interacted with them in various degrees and combinations over a period of

time, and with my Fordham University social scientist training, I see

much that others cannot perceive nor understand as I do about brighter

social and career prospects for Mr. Ablouh, Ms. Corrales, Ms. Jones and

Mr. Valenzuela.

Their good manners, social communications, anticipatory senses,

willingness to broaden their horizons beyond the common and naturalness

with me reveal they have much better chances going from “The New Veazy

Social Register of Class” into the finest upper-class social gatherings

and galas as jet-setters and nouveaux riches than Gus Gomez, Bob

Yousefian, Rafi Manoukian, Frank Quintero, Dave Weaver, Ginger Bremberg

and a host of other Glendale U.S. Flag Code violators and their pals.


