
Hospital employees celebrate 40 years

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Janine Marnien

GLENDALE -- For Wilma Segedi and Sam Carvajal, one of the best aspects

of working at Glendale Adventist Medical Center for the past 40 years has

been the people.

Whether it’s a doctor, nurse, other staff member or patient, Segedi

and Carvajal both credit their longevity at the center to the others

around them.

“I am impressed that there are always people there to help,” Segedi

said, herself a benefactor of that help many times.

In her 40 years at the center, she has worked in two departments that

closed -- including the laundry department. She is now an EKG technician

in cardiology, thanks to fellow staff members who were able to direct her

to other openings.

Carvajal’s 40 years have been spent almost entirely in management. He

is now the director of the radiology, cardiology and laboratory

departments at the center, and said one of the most rewarding experiences

has been the opportunities to improve those departments.

He helped secure a CT scanner, a spiral CT scanner and an R2

technology image checker for the center. The R2 machine, used for early

detection of breast cancer, is the only one of its kind in Los Angeles


Of his duties, Carvajal said that radiology has become his “passion.”

“I fell in love with radiology,” he said. “It’s an incredible

challenge, but I have truly enjoyed my activities in the department.”

Both his children were born at the center, and his son is a surgeon

there. His daughter-in-law is a nurse in the neonatal intensive care

unit, and his wife volunteers at the gift shop one day a week.

Segedi and Carvajal will be honored at an awards banquet Tuesday,

along with other employees who have worked at the center from five to 35


Neither Segedi or Carvajal have plans to retire any time in the

