
Liu, Pasadena officials host genocide forum

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Karen S. Kim

LA CRESCENTA -- Assemblywoman Carol Liu (D-La Crescenta) and members

of the Pasadena community will present a forum in commemoration of the

Armenian Genocide on April 17.

Rubina Peroomian, associate researcher for the Department of Near

Eastern Languages and Cultures at UCLA, will be the event’s keynote

speaker. Winners of Pasadena’s Genocide and Human Rights Student Essay

Contest will also be recognized during the forum.

The entries to the contest and local artists’ artwork depicting themes

of human struggle will be on display at the library during the event.

The forum is sponsored by Liu, Pasadena Unified School District Supt.

Percy Clark, Jr. and the representatives from the Pasadena Public


The event runs from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Donald R. Wright Auditorium of

the Pasadena Public Library, 285 E. Walnut St. For more information, call

(626) 577-9944.
