
Letter -- Kathryn M. Upton


I attended the Starbucks hearing and found today’s (April 12) article

to have omitted the reason for the hearing, and other points of interest.

The hearing was held to question Starbucks’ zoning variance, which

allowed it to open with seating for 18, not to change the underlying

zoning that would allow Starbucks to remain with seating for eight. Also,

possible solutions to the problems raised by four (but not all) Burchett

residents were addressed. For instance, slanting the existing parking to

discourage customers from making illegal left turns into the existing

spaces, changing red zone parking on Hahn to green (even 30 minutes

green) to free as many as six to eight spaces, and Starbucks making a

greater effort to remind customers not to litter and to increase its

litter patrol.

Also, there were some positive comments about the nice caliber of

people (all ages) who frequent Starbucks and the sense of community that

results from such a pleasant gathering spot. I testified that I frequent

Starbucks three to five times per week and rarely cannot find a spot to

park, except in the early weekday mornings. Therefore, I believe the

testimony that there is never a place to park is an overstatement.

Someone testified that the issuance of more traffic citations might

“train” people to obey the traffic laws. Why not consider increasing the

fines, as they do in other congested cities, to be more effective in this

regard? Further, on weekend mornings after getting a cup of Starbucks

coffee, I walk down to the park with my dog and do not observe the

traffic, litter, double parking and driveway-blocking alleged to be


It is also important to note that the issue of general increased

traffic and congestion of Glendale is not limited to Burchett, and is, in

part, a function of a 1920s city layout being used in the 21st century. I

lived for 14 years in a Washington, D.C., area that continues to struggle

with 19th-century city layouts in the 21st century, as do many other


Let’s learn what we can from those who continue to address increasing

populations in cities designed for lesser populations.


