
Tips to benefit Special Olympics

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Gretchen Hoffman

GLENDALE -- Residents will have the chance to see Glendale Police and

Fire officials serve the community in a new capacity -- as waiters at a

downtown restaurant on Thursday and Friday.

Tips and a portion of the dinner proceeds collected at a “Tip-A-Cop”

event on Thursday and “Tip the Firemen” on Friday will benefit local

Special Olympics programs.

Glendale Police officers and Chief Russell Siverling will be at

Milano’s from 5 to 10 p.m. Thursday for the fund-raiser, Officer Sue

Shine said. The department also works with the Special Olympics for an

annual torch run fund-raiser in June, she added.

Glendale Fire Chief Chris Gray and 15 to 20 other firefighters will be

at Milano’s Italian Kitchen from 5 to 10 p.m. Friday, Capt. Robert Doyle


“It’s a phenomenal organization that empowers all young people with a

positive difference in their life,” Shine said. “There’s nothing like

seeing those kids accomplish their goals.”

The Tri-Valley Special Olympics holds similar events each year, but

this is the first one will be held in Glendale, Shine said.

Last year, similar dinners raised $14,000 for local programs and

training, said Jan Maseda, an area director for the Tri-Valley Special

Olympics. This year’s goal is to raise $25,000 from seven dinners, she


“A lot of it is just to raise awareness in the community about persons

with special conditions and about what great people they are and what

they can do,” Maseda said.

Athletes will be at Milano’s talking to diners about the organization

and the events they compete in, she added.

“It’s a really worthy cause,” Doyle said. “As firefighters, we often

see the underdog, or we see people that are permanently injured. I think

firefighters just have a heart for that kind of thing.”


WHAT: Police officers and firefighters will wait tables and donate

their tips to the Tri-Valley Special Olympics.

WHEN: Glendale Police will serve dinner from 5 to 10 p.m. Thursday.

Firefighters will act as waiters from 5 to 10 p.m. Friday.

WHERE: Milano’s Italian Kitchen, 525 N. Brand Blvd.
