
Letter -- Edley Rondinone

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Let me see if I have this straight: The Nature Conservancy and the Big

Sur Land Trust pay $38 million for 9,898 acres of prime mountain land

near Big Sur (Los Angeles Times, May 10). The cost per acre is

$3,839.16. Some of this land has some of the most breathtaking views of

the Pacific Ocean that California has to offer.

The “land baron” Gregg family has approximately 238 acres of

undeveloped land, none of which has ocean views. At the same cost per

acre as the Nature Conservancy paid for prime land near Big Sur, those

238 acres are worth $913,682, total.

I think this is the defining value for the Greggs’ land. This should

close the argument on how much anyone should pay for those 238 acres of


Responses will be greatly appreciated.


