
Store offers something for the girls

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Karen S. Kim

DOWNTOWN -- There’s a new kid on the block downtown, and she’s hoping

to give local teens and young adults an alternative to shopping at the


Kerry Mulder, owner of Kerry’s Kloset in Kenneth Village, on Saturday

celebrated the grand opening of a new shop, Girl Frenzy, on Brand


While Kerry’s Kloset catered to women 15 to 90, Girl Frenzy is

something for the younger crowd of Glendale, Mulder said.

“I wanted to open a store that you can walk in and feel like you got a

good value for your money,” Mulder said Friday. “And I wanted the girls

to have a place to buy clothes for cheaper than they can at the mall.

There’s heavy foot traffic here, and it’s a younger crowd that doesn’t

have as much money to spend.”

There’s no clothing in the store today that costs more than $20,

Mulder said. The shop carries trendy but inexpensive clothes, jewelry,

purses, belts and other accessories.

For Mulder, who has owned Kerry’s Kloset for two years, finding

merchandise that follows today’s trends isn’t a problem, she said.

“I think I have a finger on the market,” Mulder said. “I’m constantly

shopping stores to see what’s out there. I also go through endless


The shop has clothes for everyday wear, as well as fancier items for

going to clubs or parties.

Mulder and store employees describe her shop as Forever 21 meets

Rampage, two other stores for young girls that can be found in the mall.

“I think we definitely bring something that was not here [on Brand],”

Mulder said. “We’re not like an Old Navy or a Pacific Sunwear. I don’t

think there’s anything like this on Brand.”


WHAT: Girl Frenzy clothing shop.

WHERE: 120 N. Brand Blvd.

OFFERS: Clothes, jewelry, purses and other accessories.

INFO: 502-0402
