
Legislator’s bills see action

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Karen S. Kim

A busy week for the state Assembly and Senate and House of

Representatives has yielded the passage of a number of bills by local


The House of Representatives has passed the “Child Obscenity and

Pornography Prevention Act of 2002,” a bill co-sponsored by Rep. Adam

Schiff (D-Glendale).

The bill, authored by Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Homeland

Security and Terrorism Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), aims to

prevent trafficking in child pornography, prohibit pandering and

solicitation relating to visual depictions of minors engaging in

sexually explicit conduct and to prevent the use of child pornography

to facilitate crimes against children.

The bill passed with a 413-8 vote.

Three bills authored by state Sen. Jack Scott (D-Glendale) were

passed this week by legislative committees.

The Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and Economy Committee

unanimously passed Scott’s measure, SB 1657, that would establish a

regional trade office in Armenia.

“We congratulate Sen. Scott for all his efforts in making this

trade office a reality,” Armen Janian, the honorary chairman of the

Armenian American Chamber of Commerce, released in a statement.

“Our mission in expanding trade and investment opportunities for

California business looking for export markets and investment

possibilities in Armenia and other regional markets will be greatly

enhanced by the establishment of a regional trade office in Armenia.”

In addition, SB 510, Scott’s bill aiming to improve security at

California airports by barring firearm parts and imitation firearms

in airport facilities was passed un- animously by the Assembly Public

Safety Committee.

Scott’s fast-track school administrator credential bill, SB 1655,

which allows those vying for an administrator credential to do so by

passing a written test rather than finishing mandatory graduate

coursework at a university, was passed by the Assembly Appropriations

Committee with a unanimous vote.

Assemblyman Dario Frommer (D-Glendale) was not as fortunate as his

colleagues over the past week, as the Senate Committee on

Governmental Organization killed his bill banning Internet gambling


“It’s very curious to me that this same Senate committee just two

years ago passed a similar bill, but this year, not one member of the

committee would cast a vote for my bill,” Frommer said.

“The only difference this year is that a major Indian gaming

association voiced its opposition to the bill. I think it’s sad

because I think it’s a testament to the power of Indian gaming money

in politics, that too many members are afraid to stand up to them or

disagree with them.”

The California Nations Indian Gaming Assn. opposed Frommer’s bill,

AB 1229, which would ban Internet gambling in California, a

$1.48-billion industry without regulation or control, Frommer said.

He added that the bill was inspired by calls from his constituents

complaining about not receiving money owed from Internet gambling


Frommer had better luck with a bill he coauthored with Sen. John

Burton (D-San Francisco) that extends the statue of limitations for

childhood sexual abuse victims filing lawsuits against employers or

other responsible third parties who knew about the molestation, but

failed to take any preventive actions.

Existing law requires that victims of childhood sexual assault

file claims by age 26, but under SB 1776, victims would have an

additional three years to file claims against a third party.

SB 1779 was passed by the Assembly 73-0.
