
Readers a great source of information for column

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The first Verdugo Views history column appeared just a little more

than a year ago, on the last Saturday in June, and since then, I’ve

come to know a lot more about Glendale’s early history.

Lots of information has come from the pages of two comprehensive

books. The first, “Glendale Community Book,” edited by Carroll W.

Parcher in 1957, was a Christmas gift from a friend.

Leafing through its pages and reading tidbits of history, I

thought of the wonderful pictures I’d seen while volunteering in the

Special Collections Room of the Central Library and was inspired to

put the pictures together with information from Parcher’s book and

turn it into a column series.

The other book, “Glendale Area History,” was edited by Parcher and

E. Caswell Perry in 1981. Most of the information that has been

shared through this column has come from these two books.

But, there has been another great source of information, the

readers of this newspaper. Over the year, I’ve received lots of

telephone messages and spoken to so many people and learned so much.

Adeline Green, who recently moved to Glendale, wrote to say that

she has enjoyed learning local history from this column. As a Realtor

in Brentwood, she researched the history of that area for a

newsletter she sent to clients. Now, she’s considering doing the same

thing here.

Some of the columns about Jose Maria Verdugo and his family made

their way to a Richard Verdugo, who lives in Fresno. He has promised

to send me an account of how his family received the Verdugo name.

Retired Superior Court Judge Jack A. Crickard wrote a letter

detailing the long and involved process by which L.C. Brand’s house

and property came to be a city park. More about that in future


This photo, which ran right before last year’s Days of Verdugo

Parade, generated lots of calls from people who knew someone on the

1956 Chamber of Commerce float.

Some of the young women, such as the first one from the left, are

still unidentified. Second from the left is Yvonne Lime, a 1953

graduate of Glendale High, who went on to appear in films and

television. She was identified by Linda Dore and several others.

Carol Ann Hatfield Harris called to say she’s the third from the

left (sitting behind the fountain). Harris, a Hoover grad, was

attending Glendale Community College when her friends encouraged her

to sign up for the competition.

Fourth from the left is Diane Felix, Glendale High Class of 1956.

The young woman who is fifth from the left has been identified as

Carolyn Tatum of Hoover High. The only other one identified is the

queen, Colleen Cummings, at the far right, another 1956 Hoover

graduate. She was identified by several, including Judy Cash and

Peggy Carol.

Reader Nancy Ewald Grubb called to say that she knew both Felix

and Cummings. Grubb said she met Cummings in kindergarten and went

through Hoover with her. Sadly, she said, Cummings passed away a

couple of years ago.

Many thanks to all of you who have responded with information for

this column.

And, a special thanks to George Ellison and Chuck Wike of the

Glendale Public Library for their help with photos and information.

* KATHERINE YAMADA is a volunteer with the Special Collections

Room at Central Library. To reach her, leave a message at 637-3241.

The Special Collections Room is open from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Saturdays or by appointment. For more information on Glendale’s

history, contact the reference desk at the Central Library at

